Greetings from Sri Balaji College of Engineering and Technology (SBCET), Jaipur!
SBCET was established in the year 2000 and is an ambitious initiative of Sri Balaji Siksha Samiti (SBSS). At SBCET, we are always committed to promote
education and research.
Department of Master of Computer Applications & Department of Computer Science and Engineering Jointly Organized Five Days Faculty Development Programme (Hybrid Mode) April, 25th -29th, 2023, on “Developing Potentials-Emerging Technologies of Computer Science”.
Participating students and budding research and skills will benefit from your vivid experience, insights, support, encouragement, and vision.
Course Contents:
Five Days Faculty Development Program on Developing potentials-emerging Technologies of computer science
- Sales Force Applications and Their Usage
- IoT with Raspberry Pi
- Automatic Web Developed using AI
- Introduction to Data Science
- Information Security & How to Prevent Yourself from Preying Eyes of Hackers
- Introduction to Data Science
- Machine Learning Concepts for Security
- Block Chain Technology
- Mobile/Web App Development
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
You can join the FDP using the link given below:
Google Meet Link: https://meet.google.com/qfb-htmr-nvb