This workshop will focus on the various ways SPSS can be used in research. It will discuss the common statistical analyses and the appropriate use of these analyses to answer research questions in the survey, experimental, and other research designs. Using hands-on activities participants will learn how SPSS can be used to explore data, test for normality and equality of variance and execute basic commands for descriptive analyses. Following this, some inferential data analyses – (parametric tests such as Pearson Product Moment correlation and t-tests) and (non-parametric tests such as Chi-square, and Mann-Whitney U-test) will also be discussed. The workshop will also help participants to interpret correctly the SPSS output of these inferential data analyses, tabulate and report the results in the format acceptable for publication in refereed journals and official reports.
At the end of the 2-day workshop, participants will be able to:
- enter data in SPSS and carry out data screening.
- employ the right data analyses based on the scale of measurement of the variables.
- carry out descriptive data analyses and reports using the right format (eg. APA) for the journals.
- carry out the appropriate inferential data analysIs.
- interpret the SPSS output accurately.
- report the results appropriately for the intended journals and other reports.