To emerge as globally recognized leading educational group by setting the standards of innovation and excellence in research, teaching and training.
To achieve scholastic and non-scholastic proficiency in engineering education.
To include excellent work culture amongst the engineers.
To promote interaction between the college and corporate bodies.
To develop in them spirit to compete and strive for excellence.
To install among them a scientific temper and analytical problem-solving approach.
To develop sense of concern for environment protection from adverse impact of engineering activities on the eco-system.
To provide an enriched curriculum for overall development of their personality.
1. To produce graduates who are recognized as creative engineers having command over Science & Engineering principles to solve Civil Engineering problems addressing the sustainable technological challenges.
2. To prepare graduates who are capable of playing key roles in sustainable development in Civil Engineering design.
3. To produce graduates who possess technical competence related to analysis, design, construction and maintenance of the built and natural environment and to understand the humanistic and social aspects of society relationship with its surroundings.
4. To produce graduates who excel in research and development activities.
5. To develop innovative research and consultancy activities.